A 53-hectare peatland area owned by the forest and nature capital company Finsilva Oyj has been restored. The restoration will improve the biodiversity of the drained marsh and help maintain the nearby water bodies in good condition. The restoration was carried out by the John Nurminen Foundation under the Re-wetting of Peatlands project.

 The restored swamp was originally an open bog, which has been tried to convert into a forest by drainage in the 1960s. From a forestry point of view, the effects of the drainage have been unsuccessful, with hardly any trees growing in the area. Now the aim is to restore the peatland area (known as “Majasuo”) to its natural state.

“Finsilva’s strategy is to build a more sustainable future by acting responsibly and caring for biodiversity. Peatlands are one of the most degraded habitats in Finland, so restoration sites like Majasuo are an integral part of our operations”, says Juha Hakkarainen, CEO of Finsilva.

“Unfortunately, there has only been little restoration of peatlands outside protected areas. Hopefully, Finsilva’s example will inspire other private landowners to restore wetlands and water”, says Anna Saarentaus, Senior Specialist at the John Nurminen Foundation.

The restoration of Majasuo involved blocking a total of 900 meters of ditches, building 20 dams to help rewet the area, and removing evaporating trees from the area. In addition, a 120-meter-long ditch will direct water to the area.

Positive impacts on water, climate and swamp nature

As the swamp tries out, the peat begins to decompose, releasing nutrients that eutrophicate water bodies, as well as humus and solids that darken the water. In contrast, the water flowing through a natural marsh effectively filters out a range of pollutants.

“Restoring water to peatlands also improves the biodiversity and helps to reduce peat decomposition. Besides water bodies, restoring Majasuo will also benefit swamp nature and the climate”, Saarentaus adds.

The restoration of Majasuo is part of the Re-wetting of Peatlands project, which aims to protect water on private land.

More information:

Juha Hakkarainen, CEO, Finsilva Oyj https://www.finsilva.fi/en/
+358 40 0870 867

Anna Saarentaus, Senior Specialist, John Nurmisen Foundation
+358 40 719 0208

More information on the Re-wetting of Peatlands project: https://johnnurmisensaatio.fi/en/our-work/projects/re-wetting-of-peatlands/

Finsilva Oyj is owned by Dasos forest funds and Metsärahasto II Ky (Ilmarinen).