Enhancing EverGreen.

114,000 retention trees and 33,500 biodiversity stumps – increasing biodiversity in Finsilva’s forests in 2023

In 2023, Finsilva plc, one of Finland’s largest forest owners, carried out measures to increase forest biodiversity on a total of approximately 13,300 hectares of forest. Finsilva’s biodiversity reporting now gives a more accurate picture of the current state and development of the nature capital as it provides details on the number of retention trees, biodiversity stumps as well as protective thickets for animals.

In 2023, Finsilva’s forests underwent biodiversity enhancement measures at the stages of first thinning, thinning and regeneration felling. In addition to the 7,900 hectares of harvested area, protective thickets were carried out in connection with the management of young forests on approximately 5,400 hectares. Each measure was recorded.

“Thanks to advances in statistical methods, we now have detailed information on the current state of our forest and natural capital and the extent of the measures taken. This information will help us to implement our climate and biodiversity programme, which aims to increase and safeguard forest biodiversity”, says Juha Hakkarainen, CEO of Finsilva.

114,000 retention trees, 33,500 biodiversity stumps and 3,730 protective thickets

In 2023, an average of 15 retention trees per hectare were left in Finsilva’s forests, of which 13 were living trees and 2 were dead trees. This amounts to a total of about 14,000 dead trees and some 100,000 living trees. Of the living trees, about 32 000 were deciduous trees.

Retention trees are trees of different ages that are left to rot in the forest during felling. They contribute to the continuous formation of natural decay in forests. Many fungi, insects, worms and birds of prey depend on decayed wood.

The average number of biodiversity stumps was 4 per hectare, or around 33,500 in total. A biodiversity stump is a living tree cut down from a height of a few metres and left to decay vertically. Research shows that many common animal or insect species that utilise decaying wood also benefit from artificial coppices.

On average, 0.6 protective thickets per hectare – 3,730 in total – were left in Finsilva’s forests. These small areas of unmanaged thickets left in the forests provide shelter and food for forest species.

“The high volumes are no surprise, as our forest management criteria are guided by our own Finsilva model and our partner Metsä Group’s Metsä Group Plus forest management model, in addition to requirements from our certifications. As a result, we leave more retention trees, burnt wood, biodiversity stumps, less common deciduous trees and shelterbelts in our forests, as well as wider protection zones along watercourses”, says Hakkarainen.

For further information, please contact:

Juha Hakkarainen, Finsilva, CEO
+358 400 870 867


The Finnish company Finsilva plc specialises in the responsible and diverse utilisation of forest and natural capital. The company provides economic, social and ecological wellbeing by developing sustainable forestry and creating profitable business from renewable energy and environmental compensation. Finsilva owns roughly 130,000 hectares of well-managed forest, most of which is located in Southern and Central Finland. Finsilva is one of the leading private and independent forest owners in Europe. It is owned by the forest funds of Dasos, and Metsärahasto II Ky (Ilmarinen). https://www.finsilva.fi/en/